
Thursday, 25 July 2013

Guinea pig begging for food... Or is he really a meerkat in disguise? Super cute pictures!

Recently my Guinea pig has been getting more and more confident and sitting up and begging for food. It's incredibly cute but even cuter he is quite unstable on his feet and wobbles back every now and again.

I have two guinea pigs and only one does this and last night I finally managed to capture some shots of him doing his fantastic little trick.

Cute Guinea pig picturesCute Guinea pig photos

Guinea pig Guinea pig begging for food

Even without food he will often sit up and look for something, He has always been the more confident out of my two piggies and always likes being up high, sitting up on top of his bed rather than in his bed. Sitting often with his paws up on the cage looking out but this is his cutest moments yet. 

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